toshiaki tomita


Weekly-Mansion Project

video, projector, artist book, tools for life.@An event in the room 501, Weekly-Mansion Kibabotan West in Part 40, Tokyo.1998.

click the key to open the door

gHow are you?  I will be staying at the below address for a week with the incidents I encountered and things I was given last summer.  Please come over any time.
3-28-5 Botan, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Weekly Mansion Kiba Botan WEST IN PART 40, 135.
Phone: (mobile) 010-77x-xxx9

I donft know my room number yet, but it is probably Rm. 501 (I wonft know until the day I move in).  Please donft forget to call before you come. The building entrance is locked.  You are welcome twenty-four hours a day.h

I sent out the gI movedh notice one week before moving.In the six-mat tatami sized room complete strangers met one another.  Included in the various things that I moved in with, were my video work entitled g407,h and artist book entitled gCan you come or not come to our hometown?h which were at times ignored by the visitors and, at others, attracted their attention.